lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Game of thrones :: Handmade Map!

La semana pasada estuve bastante ocupada creando un mapa de un juego de mesa para la fiesta de inauguración temática de una amiga.
Me imagino que el libro/la serie os sonará: Juego de Tronos :]
Una semana de reuniones, dormir poco, risas, creatividad y amistad.
I spent last week being very busy creating a map for a game. 3 friends and I were creating a game for the flat warming party of one of them.
I suppose you know which book/tv series I am talking about: Game of Thrones. :]
A week full of meetings, very few sleeping time, laughs, creativity and friendship.



Ha sido realmente divertido tanto hacer el tablero como el juego en general con mis amigas. Lástima que al final no pudiéramos jugar demasiado pero otra ocasión habrá! El Invierno se acerca! :D
I enjoyed a lot creating the map and the game with my girl friends. We could not played too much, sadly, but I know we will soon!. Winter is coming! :D

Lo mejor los sellos que me regaló Roser.  No nos pudieron ir mejor! ;)
The best were the stamps Roser gave me as a present some time ago. They could not match better than they did!!;)

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